Fun Free Summer Activity

    Hello and welcome back to the blog! My summer break has officially begun and I am super excited to spend time with friends, go on adventures, and do all the essential summer activities. My friend Libby and I decided to do a really cool, FREE summer activity last week. We had a blast and so I thought I would share with you what we did.

   Essentially we had a mission to take aesthetically pleasing Instagram pictures to amp up our summer Insta feeds. We set a date on our calendars and decided to go around Edmonton and take pictures of, with, or around anything that would look cool on our Instagram feeds. This activity is perfect if...

  1. You want to create a cohesive summer vibe on your instagram
  2. Want a free activity that gives you a chance to explore around your city
  3. Lets you get some good old fresh air that some people lack if they are stuck inside all day for their job
  4. Spend some quality time with your friends
  5. Let your creativity flow by trying to capture creative shots and angles
   We really tried to spend as little money as we could, so we started by taking public transportation downtown. That way we didn't need to spend money on gas. Libby brought her DSLR and we both had our phones; taking digital pictures is basically free because we never have to get anything developed. The only thing we ended up spending money on was coffee and dinner, which you don't even need to do to have an amazing day. We spent an entire day outside exploring downtown Edmonton and spending some quality time together. Libby also vlogged some of our adventures, which was pretty fun. Below I provided some pictures of where we were and also some of the pictures we took, maybe it'll give you some inspiration when you go on an Instagram aesthetic trip.

    We started by heading down to Jasper Ave and walked to 10031 MacDonald Dr. At this location there is an awesome view of the Muttart and the Walterdale Bridge.

   We next headed back towards Jasper and took some pictures of skyscrapers... or at least with skyscrapers.
   While on Jasper Ave we stopped for Starbucks... took some pictures of that, and decided on our next location, the Legislature Building.
   While there, we took some pictures on the steps, in the surrounding parks, and also went and experienced the clap and squeak. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a concrete circle on the east side of the legislature grounds. When you stand in the center of the circle and clap your hands... instead of hearing a "clap" sound your hands make a "squeak", it's really cool and I recommend you stopping by and giving it a try because it is mind blowing, I don't know how it happens.

    We crossed through the entire grounds, over to the west side and went to Constable Ezio Faraone Park. This park is really nice and has a cool view of the North Saskatchewan River.

   We stopped and sat on a park bench for awhile, just to give our feet a break. After our break we headed back downtown for dinner. We went to Craft Beer Market and sat on their rooftop patio for dinner. I had a poke bowl and Libby had a chicken sandwich.
    Ultimately, this activity was super fun because it was free and we took so many aesthetic pics. If you want to check out the Instagram versions of our pictures check out our IGs, Libby: @libbydirks and Me: @tyler_dziwenko

   Thanks for coming back and I hope you get out and take some IG aesthetic pics! Share them with my by tagging me our using the hashtag #cccaesthetictrip. Come back next week for another blog!


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