Single On Valentine's Day? // What To Do

   Happy Valentine's Day <3 my Triple C fam! This is the first time that a new blog post falls onto a holiday, and what a holiday to fall on! Valentine's Day has a lot of controversy surrounding it, whether it's a hallmark holiday, something that excludes people, or makes people feel alone. I don't think that is the point of the holiday; I think that the holiday is meant to show the people around you that you love them. Don't get me wrong, you should show the people around you that you love them everyday, but this day just makes it extra special. However, many people are single on Valentine's Day, and that is perfectly fine. I myself am single, and I thought I could share with you some things you could do if you are single this Valentine's Day.

  1. Go on a friends date- Just because you are single doesn't mean you can't hit the town and have fun with your friends. Valentine's Day isn't only for couples; get a bunch of friends together and just paint the town red (and pink, because those are festive colours).
  2. Binge watch Netflix- You don't have to go out on Valentine's Day. Why not just stay in and binge your favourite series, or try some of my favourites: My Top Picks for Netflix
  3. Treat yourself- Dress yourself up fancy, grab a friend, and go to the fanciest (most affordable restaurant in your budget) and watch the sappy couples gush over each other at the restaurant. Now appreciate being single.
  4. While you are at the fancy restaurant- Plant a fake engagement ring at someones table and watch things unfold, because you can have fun too.
  5.  Steal some deals- Wait for the day after Valentine's Day to buy marked down chocolate and call it a win!
  6. Fake proposals- Take a friend and take turns proposing to each other to try and get free stuff. If not, just enjoy the attention of people clapping and cheering for you.
  7. If you work in an office type environment- Send yourself flowers or chocolate from a "secret admirer" and watch your coworkers be jealous.
  8. And finally- What I am planning on doing... catching up on my sleep.

   These are only a few ideas that could make being single on Valentine's Day fun! I am curious if you have any other ideas; comment below. That has been everything for this week on Cook, Create, and Contemplate! Thanks for returning, or if this is your first time, thank you as well! Also next week is reading week. I will not be posting because I'm taking the week to relax.


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