My Week In Pictures

Tuesday was my little sister's birthday, she turned 17. This is the cake my mom made for her. 

Settled in to do some art...then I procrastinated and didn't really do art...its the thought that counts.

I made a salad...and then I ate it.

A morning I'm not spending in Edmonton.

Traveled to CKUA this week, and was taken on a tour of their amazing building.

An attempted "artsy" picture down in CKUA's giant record collection.

Made cake in a cup, and topped it with some candy cane ice cream. I'm still waiting for Christmas.

If you don't follow my social media, this is one of my favourite places here in Edmonton. Definitely check out Splash Poke if you have a chance. 

So that was my week in pictures. This week was a little different, but I think it's kind of fun, and I might do it again. Come back next week to see what Cook, Create, and Contemplate has in store for you.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Come back next week for another post from Cook, Create, and Contemplate.


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