Lost My Voice I Can No Longer Speak


   Hey and welcome back to Cook, Create, and Contemplate! This week I am especially happy to be able to write the blog and not have to speak to anyone, because I lost my voice...just kidding. So for the past couple of weeks I have been helping out with my friend's NAIT radio show called Homies Helping Homies; it's on every Wednesday 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. So today Serena  and I were writing a radio script for a sketch we wanted to do for one of their Christmas shows, and one of the characters is based off of the Christmas demon Krampus. Ultimately the character had a really deep and raspy voice that I had to convey; not only was it strenuous, but also hard to keep a straight face while doing. We were at school until 7:00 p.m. doing this thing! Granted it was fun, but I woke up at 7:00 a.m. to go to school that morning so it was a pretty long day. The script is actually pretty funny, kudos to Serena. If anyone wants a taste of this, here it is: The "S" stands for Serena, and the "K" stands for Krampus (the dark bold words within the script is the deep raspy voice I had to perform)...

Serena- Today we have a special guest on the show, all the way from… well we are still trying to figure out where he is from and well why he asked to be on today's show. But he said he is a NAIT student which automatically makes him a homie. Welcome.

Krampus- It truly is a pleasure to be here. And for reasons *which I’m never saying* I am glad to make your acquaintance.

S-YEAH….. It’s really awesome to have met you… What was your name again?

K- No really the pleasure is mine, and that's not important.

S- Um okay I guess so... you mentioned earlier today that Christmas is your favourite holiday. Why is that?

K- I really enjoy the snow.

S - Oh man me too.
K - especially when it traps families in their homes.
S- Uh….

K - And I also love hot chocolate; how it warms the insides of children. And one more thing that really, really gets me in the holiday mood is children singing- wait no no, hmmm what's the word. SCREAMING.


S- Wait what?

K - What?

S- Wait did you say screaming? And families trapped in their homes?

K- Oh YEAH. That’s what the holidays are  all aboot.


S - Um, I am not sure you understand what Christmas is made of; it's about spending time with your family and decorating the house with red and green for the fun of it.

K - I UNDERSTAND, it's about seeing trees covered in blood, but every tree has a separate family on it. I also really enjoy eating people under the mistletoe.

S- Uh... you mean kissing people under the mistletoe??

K - Uh YEAH...yeah isn't that what I said?!?

S- You said eating people.

K- No I meant to say kissing, besides that, I also love skinning humans.

S- Skinning humans??!?!

K- NO, NO, I meant wrapping humans I mean... wrapping presents.


K - No silly goose. But I think what makes the holiday truly special is grabbing the naughty children, and beating them with my switch before throwing them into my sack.



K - Well that's my cue to leave but tune in next week where I'll be back….

S- You are not coming back.

K - Yes I am...


So...that was that. Please don't judge based on this creepy script, it is meant to be really creepy.
If you want to listen to Homies Helping Homies go here: http://nr92.com/
   So...happy Wednesday, and I'll see you all back here next week on Cook, Create, and Contemplate!


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